As soon as the weather starts to turn a little bit nicer in the historic town of Stratford upon Avon it springs into life (no pun intended). Stratford offers wide variety of events and festivals and I have picked out the top 18. These are not necessarily base on the amount of people that attend but on the quality of entertainment offered. All of the events listed below are in Stratford upon Avon or very close buy and they are listed in no particular order.o Stratford upon Avon and English Music Festival – May – musical festival catering for all styles of music
o Shakespeare’s Birthday Concert -April -held at the Civic Hall, an annual celebration of Shakespeare’s
o Warwick Folk Festival – held in July at nearby Warwick
o Big Sheep Show – June – a farming event held at nearby Wilmcote
o Stratford Regatta – family event held in June for the last 100 years or so on the banks of the River Avon
o Poetry Festival – late summer
o Three Counties Show – June – held at the Malvern Showground, a little further out of Stratford
o Charity Raft Race – late June – down the weirs of the River Avon!
o Stratford upon Avon International Flute Festival – late summer for around a fortnight
o Bulldog Bash – August – rock and heavy metal at the Raceway
o CAMRA Harbury Beer Festival – late August – in the nearby village of Harbury
o Apple Week – late October to early November, held at Mary Arden’s Farm
o Shakespeare Marathon – April – has up to 1500 runners all competing through the streets of historic Stratford
o Jousting Weekends – various weekends throughout the summer months – held at Warwick Castle
o Sealed Knot Living History Weekend – June – Civil War re-enactments
o Leamington Peace Festival – held in neighbouring Leamington Spa on the closest weekend to the summer solstice
o Last Night of the Proms – classical music held at the Civic Hall in late June
o Classic Car and Transport Show – late June -held in nearby AlcesterWhatever your hobbies and interests it is not hard to find something to entertain you in Stratford upon Avon. This is by no means an exhaustive list so if you have more specialised interests then further digging could unearth a treasure of an event that I have never come across. So pack up your bags, book a room somewhere, gather the family together and come and visit us in historic Stratford upon Avon.
Author Archives: admin
Systems Modeling Language (SysML) Diagrams
Originating as sub-dialect of Unified Modeling Language (UML), Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is to system engineers what UML is to software engineers. Smaller in content and simpler to learn than UML, the current version of SysML, 1.3, uses one of nine different diagram types to represent system models and interactions. Unlike UML, which focuses on standardizing the language used to describe software systems, SysML covers a broader range of systems, than can involve personnel, facilities, hardware or electrical components. What SysML does share in common with its parent language is 7 of the 9 diagram forms, and the division of these diagrams into behavioral and structural types.SysML Behavioral DiagramsA behavioral diagram emphasizes the steps that must happen in the system being modeled. They show step-by-step the interaction and options available to the various components and actors of a process. There are four SysML diagrams that describe the behavioral aspects of systems:Activity DiagramsActivity diagrams break a workflow down into all possible steps, and show a flow of control or data. They are comprised of block shapes and connector lines elements that have inherent rules governing behavior and actions. System engineers can use them to specify process function independent of structure, without the use of partitions or ‘swimlanes’.Use Case DiagramsParticipants in a system can have their involvement described as a series of use cases – a use case diagram presents those scenarios in their simplest form. Diagrams can be modified to show different levels of user interaction on the same system.Sequence DiagramsA sequence diagram shows messages passed between processes and systems, and the order in which they given. Objects are shown consecutively with ‘lifelines’, parallel descending vertical arrows that are intersected with horizontal lines carrying messages and actions performed in sequential time order.State Machine DiagramsSystem engineers use a state machine diagram to describe the state transitions of a system, and what actions it performs in response to events. Possibilities for system behavior depend upon which state it’s in. This diagram uses notation to illustrate initial, final, and current states, with arrows being used to denote a transition.SysML Structural DiagramsStructural diagrams exhibit the components that must be present for a system or process to work. They allow objects and components to be put into classes and hierarchies, with the option to add annotation that details attributes, operations and relationships within systems. The four structural SysML diagrams contain 3 diagrams similar to their UML counterparts, with parametric diagrams as the lone original form:Package DiagramsPackage diagrams group all related objects or participants within a thematic package, and examine the dependencies between them. Packages can be arranged in layers or tiers, where layers represent the logical division of components into a hierarchical class structure, while tiers denote the physical grouping of objects through their geographical location.Block Definition and Internal Block Definition DiagramsThese two diagram styles act as a compliment to each other, showing a system from a comparable level of detail, but from different perspectives. They both show the static structure of a system as a series of blocks connected via interfaces. Block definition diagrams show components only in terms of their input and output functions, disregarding the internal mechanisms that they resulted from. They also show how information and physical flows are supported using standard ports, flow ports and flow specifications.
An internal block definition diagram takes a view of one of these individual blocks, and describes the parts that make up its internal structure; how these parts are connected to external interfaces and each other.Parametric DiagramsA typical parametric diagram can be compared to a restricted form of internal block definition diagram. It shows the constraints of a particular block – these can be limitations on a certain performance aspect of a process – and what impact this has on their interactions with other blocks. They offer a chance to identify and articulate all possible constraints and rules of a system, which make them an invaluable tool for systems engineering trade studies.Requirements DiagramsRequirements diagrams somewhat eschew the two established categories, combining both structural and behavioral elements into the information presented. They list the requirements of each model element, and give definitions to the relationships arising from various states or the lifecycle timescale of the system.SysML Throughout IndustryUsing diagramming as a technique to map system processes and describe functions allows you to compare and contrast current state and possible future scenarios. Using SysML as a unified source of notation facilitates communication between other system engineers and stakeholders, creating diagrams that can be understood universally in intent and design. In terms of its application throughout industry, while UML is used almost solely to explain software system architecture, SysML can be applied across all forms of business in all its variations. Taking the automotive industry as an example, SysML diagrams can describe engine or electrical components inside the car, a sales transaction, or the procurement of spare parts and resources. It’s this versatility that is so invaluable when communicating system design.
Bipolar Manic Depression – Understanding and Educating Yourself About This Condition
One of the many serious psychiatric disorders out there is called bipolar manic depression. An individual who has been properly diagnosed with it suffers from depression and hypo mania. The length of the cycle from one extreme to the other varies for each individual as does the severity of each episode. There is no cure for this condition but with the right combination of therapy and medication it can be controlled.Cycling is the process of moving from one end of the spectrum to the other in reference to the person’s mood. While the person is in the mania stage they can be quite impulsive and engage in risky behaviors including driving too fast, spending money they don’t have, and being violent towards others.As they move into the depression end of the spectrum the moods change dramatically. They often seek isolation from their friends and family. They also find it very hard to complete routine daily tasks. It is very hard for a person with bipolar manic depression to maintain employment or relationships if they aren’t getting the right treatment for it.It is difficult to understand just how much this condition affects a person. They are unable to lead a normal life personally or professionally. They have three times the rate for divorce as the rest of society.Research has shown there is a pattern of heredity factors involving bipolar manic depression. This type of mental illness often runs in families, affecting many individuals so some people may be afraid to get married for to have children because of their family history with it.Heredity isn’t the only factor that can lead to this condition though. Suffering from a very traumatic experience including an accident or the loss of someone close to you can trigger manic episodes. It is believed the psychological aspects of bipolar manic depression are what causes the cycling to occur.Many people either don’t realize they have a serious problem or they refuse to seek medical attention for it. Either way a person diagnosed with this type of mental illness that doesn’t get treatment is at a very high risk of committing suicide. Statistics show that 12% of those who are diagnosed will succeed in killing themselves. It is believed the numbers are much higher though because of the number of people who don’t seek treatment.It is important to pay close attention to the symptoms of someone you know who may be suffering from bipolar manic depression. Encourage them to get the medical treatment that is available. You also need to help them cope with the changes taking place around them so they won’t trigger further manic episodes.